We can provode you with the perfect server to run Adult Search Script! We will prepare the server, install and configure the script for you! All you need to do
is add (or select) the categories and start the sources to index videos! You will pay a monthly fee for using the server and script. Some files of the script will be encrypted,
but you will still be able to edit the templates and change the css/javascript files!
What do we need:
- First Month Payment
- From 1 hour to maximum 5 business days
What does this service provide:
- Your own Dedicated Server (Dual Xeon 5639, 32GB RAM, 2x2TB SATA, 100TB 1Gbps)
- FTP Access (you will be able to edit the script files)
- Data Backup (2TB will be used for system and websites, and the second 2TB for backup)
- Adult Search Script 3.x installed and configured
- NOTE: This is your own dedicated server, only your sites will be hosted on this server!
- Price is for unlimited domains
- We will do the server management (upgrades and security patches)